Our long-term
promise to tenants

Kereby tenants portrait
Kereby home illustration

We recognise the responsibility we have in serving as a professional, respectful and responsible landlord and we have set the following principles as the foundation of Kereby’s long-term promise to tenants.

  • Improve tenant service
  • Invest in high quality, environmentally sustainable housing
  • Positively impact communities

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Checking in

Contact customer service if you need assistance fixing any faults or defects in your home. Our staff is always ready to help you. Call us on +4539456200.

Kereby tenants illustration

Kereby’s 100 plus Copenhagen based employees are integral to delivering our commitments to you. We know that well managed properties lead to more satisfied tenants and stronger communities.

Open & transparent communication

We value engagement and we are proactively seeking tenant feedback.

High-quality management

We expect professionalism and excellence from our property managers.

Meaningful capital investment

We are investing significant capital to improve and maintain our properties. We want our tenants to stay for a long time.

Respect for our tenants

We are committed to treating tenants fairly, consistently and respectfully.

Community impact & sustainability

We want to positively impact communities, and support local economies. We directly employ over 100 people in Copenhagen and work with many local contractors and vendors. We strive to operate in an environmentally sustainable way.

Kereby home illustration

“We want to make Copenhagen the best city to live in”